Thursday, January 16, 2014

Nesting Doll Conundrum

A few years ago (that's right- YEARS. I may or may not have pack-rat tendencies) I saw a set of blank wooden nesting dolls at Hobby Lobby. Having a bit of a nesting doll obsession at the time, I brought them home with me, in hopes of creating something fabulous.

And then, as with all good crafting projects, life sort of stepped on my toes. And my poor nesting dolls remained hidden away in a drawer (because as it turns out- blank nesting dolls are quite creepy and therefore not appropriate for display).

I am determined to rectify this pathetic situation. How, you may ask? Firstly by doing some research and making a plan, and secondly by embarrassing myself on the internet. Works every time.

Here are a couple that I have seen and loved. I honestly  hadn't thought about doing animals, but after seeing these little slices of awesomeness, I am very seriously considering animalling it up.

Links 1 2 and 3
Link 4
Link 5
Link 6

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