Other enjoyable aspects of our wonderful family beach time (other than the wonderful family, of course).
The glow run. The young and agile amongst us decided that we would kick our vacation off with a 5K. Don't get me wrong- not just any 5K could convince us to exercise heavily on our time off- but for a glow in the dark neon blacklight paint run? You bet your bottom dollar that we're diving in head first. We expected to run for about 20 feet then walk- something about having taco salad for dinner made us assume that running wouldn't be super likely... but we were surprisingly incorrect! Everyone ran for at least part, if not all, of the race- so score one to taco salad as tasty pre-race food.
Other highlights:
Shark. I'm supposed to be showing you how big it is. Instead, I make myself into a human sized bracket. Whatever. Maybe I should always be a life-sized punctuation mark of some kind. It was like 5 feet long. Poor fella.
Freckles. I love the smartest family's freckles. I am trying to grow some myself- but the smartest's are WAY better.
Family photos. Sister in law smartest shot some photos of everyone. After I get permission, I will share the full family (all 21 of us handsome folk at the same time- its pretty impressive).
We did quite a bit of body boarding (some of us more successfully than others)- but that was a super fun experience also. And we played some volleyball... and boccee ball... and cards. And I wasn't a creepy paparazzi this time and didn't take photos of every activity. Be proud of your girl:)
Ps. It was completely gorgeous.
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