Wednesday, August 27, 2014

House Update: Sectional

A couple of Saturdays ago, in order to get out of garage sale-ing with me on a particularly warm day... the smartest offered to take me to a furniture store. Since we moved, we have been slowly adding to our furniture budget- knowing that our big ol' living room needed a big ol' comfy... something. Bean bags... ball pit... blow up pool... all options were discussed. Eventually we decided that a section was probably more practical, but we hadn't been brave enough to venture to the very overwhelming furniture area of town. Until a couple of weeks ago.

We went. We sat. We wandered. We sat. We photographed. We drove. We sat. We wandered. I almost bought some art. We sat.

The next weekend, we went... we sat... we avoided a VERY annoying man determined to be friends with us... we sat some more... and decided that we had found "the one". We probably sat on 50-75 different couches, sectionals and chairs on our quest, but only 1 really stuck out to us and was worth revisiting.


Meet our lovely new sectional. Perfect for our big ol' room, our great big family and our friends who lovingly come to visit regardless of the fact that we moved 30 minutes away. All that saving was absolutely worth it- we are super excited! And after we snagged the rug and the couch, I snuck the papasan chair into the room in the dead of night (just kidding- it was the dead of afternoon). We have some lovely canvases we want to hang over the fire place- more on that soon hopefully!

A couple other little nooks that will probably evolve a little bit in the next year or so:

Naturally, the puppy loves it, because she blends in perfectly:

Next... I will add photos to the walls (you can see my butcher paper in the background of some of these as I decide what size will go where). Just for fun, here are a couple photos of the living room right after we moved in:

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